Wednesday 28 July 2021






The last nine words above mean same as the first -Thank you in Indonesian, Hong Kong Cantonese and Chinese Mandarin, Ukrainian, Arabic, Russian, French, Hebrew and Hindi  languages!

300,000!That's the total number of readers world wide who have visited my blog MUSINGS FROM DOHA at as on date. It is amazing, gratifying and equally encouraging to note that the readership has spread to 107 countries in  all the continents! Most of such countries are well known but quite a few are not that known- no offence meant to them- like Bukino Faso, Kosovo, Montenegro, Moldova or North Macedonia. Then, there are a few from 'unknown countries', classified as such by Google, presumably Cuba, Sudan, Syria, Crimea, North Korea or Iran, details of which is not known.120 articles on various topics are published so far, while 1240 valuable comments are received from the readers world wide! I thank each one of you for your continued support. As far as I am concerned it is incredible but true! It also shows that in spite of all the differences among us, this world is small!!

The following three articles are in the top of the chart in popularity:

1.What and How to negotiate business deals.

2.63,Ravipuram Revisited and 


And most of the readers are from the following 10 countries in that order...

1.USA                                                        6.China

2.Hong Kong                                              7.Qatar

3.Indonesia                                                8.Russia

4.India                                                       9.France  and

5.Ukraine                                                   10.Israel.

I am also pleased to announce the publication of the following book to commemorate the event. It is a collection of 65 articles on varied subjects selected from this blog which is written over last 10 years.

This book is readily available wherever you are in the world, hand delivered in,, in print and kindle editions. it is also available in Google Play while the e book can be had from

Thank you very much! Namasthe!!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


  1. I am very much impressed by the contents, most of which are interesting, informative and some are motivating. This book dips into wide range of historical topics, takes you to different countries and covers a time span from B.C. to A.D. Several chapters read like a compressed travelogue covering various countries in Europe and Asia. Jaison’s book covers so many interesting topics, with lot of amazing facts and figures with a scientific temperament.
    The chapters “What and How to Negotiate Business deals” and “How to Boost your career Growth” and “EQ overrides I Q” are MBA study material for sure. Chapter 44 about KFC is also a study material. “Chapter 53 Lightning Attack of The Tiger” was keeping my eyes rivetted to the article, everything was news to me except the word Pearl Harbour. I wish you would have written more about the aftermath in the same vein. But you changed the tempo and shifted to the movie and cinema theatres at Cochin.
    You are in the same league with Shobhaa De and Shashi Tharoor, bringing to light about the looting of India by the British and continue in that stand till the British apologizes.
    Overall, this book is worth reading!THOMAS ABRAHAM:

  2. Jaison sir,
    Usually it takes just 3 or 4 days to read a book, but your book took me 3 weeks as I was studying it. amassing great knowledge from your encyclopedia and learning from your own reading and travelling experiences.
    I admire your courage to bring all under one roof during this corona time.
    Wishing you all good luck. Keep writing and sharing from your vast knowledge. ThankyouπŸ™ MRS.PREETHA SRINIVASAN


  4. BR MENON:

  5. Raman:
    Very informative and easy read!

  6. Dear Jaison, I would like to share few of my thoughts about your book 'GANDHI......' The title of the book itself shows the marketing expertise of the author since the name GANDHI attracts the prospective buyers like me. Brilliant idea of selecting the best title. Your thought of publishing this book is really commendable since it contains 65 articles on various topics of interest to readers of any age group. In chapter 4 you have summarized your 35 years of experience into 5 parts. In point 5 I.e. other conditions, you have mentioned 32 points. This clearly reflects your 21 years of experience as CEO of the best company in DOHA. Chapter 20 is the best guide for boosting one's career growth. The above 2 chapters (4 & 20) are very useful for an aspiring MBA candidate or business executive. Dear Jaison, your contribution is really invaluable to them. Chapter 11- Γ¬ knew about TULIPMANIA Chapter 12- I knew about Bluetooth Technology and the magic behind the iconic logo and 92% global recognition. Chapter 15- origin of the humble Jeans from Madras Chapter 55- My confusion about hurricane, cyclones and typhoons and naming of them got cleared. All the 65 chapters are good reading material, very much informative, since you have experienced yourself in most of the cases. Finally a couple of suggestions from my side
    At the bottom of each chapter mention the date and year of publication of that blog in 'Musings from Doha' Secondly if you can Include few of the illustrations and photos in colour in glossy art paper, the whole look of the
    book will be majestic.
    Finally a special request Jaison. You are blessed with lot of talent in writing. So please don't retire from writing and publishing. Your worldwide firsthand experience will be very useful for the readers. That's all for the time being dear Jaison. SURENDRAN

    Looks great and professional!
    Thank you very much for including my painting works on crucifixion of Jesus.
    That view was inspired while n the Doha church years back. I saw a shadow of the crucifix projected on the wall from blow...I started thinking of various possibilities of the view and suddenly the idea of top view and its meaning dawned upo me!!!

  8. Mathew Joseph
    At the outset I have to thank you for presenting your book to us with a loving hand written note. I have no doubt that your reader base will continue to grow once people discover how amazing your articles are!!
    I have not read a book since long... long ..... time, but this one I almost completed. Simply I liked the way you presented your travel experiences, mixed with views on corporate culture from own life experiences both in India and the Middle east.

    Once again thanks a lot and looking forward to reading more and more interesting articles of various interests.

  9. Received the book, looks quite professional. πŸ‘πŸ‘.

    On the whole a very good venture, wish you the best, and thank you for giving me the privilege to write a foreword.
    Thank you very much, I received the book with your sincere comments! I cherish it!! PP Kailasnathan

  10. Got my copy of the book from Amazon today. It has come out well. Congratulation. JOMY JOSEPH

  11. VEENA PRAKASH:Good evening Jaison. Congratulations and best wishes to you. Prakash would have been delighted and proud of you to know about your publication of 'GANDHI?WHO'S THAT?'. By now he would have passed this news to n number of his friends.
    I'm so touched by your feelings for Prakash. No wonder he used to be very excited and hyper while talking to you.
    Thank you and regards to you Jaison πŸ™

  12. The wide verities of topic you covered is interesting. You might be a good reader . I will hand over the book to Timmy after I finished. This time he was preoccupied by taking care of Mom . They left three days go. I am managing well alone . I made sure to drive and all when they were here , so both of us has full confidence to survive.

    Fell like writing after I read each chapter. Good to know about James Bond theme song!!! Has watched almost all bond movies. In eighties and nineties every Thanksgiving weekend new bond movie get released. So it was a ritual to see that.

    Read chapter 19!!!
    Brought back memories of tuned to Tv in late seventies watching roots and crying with Thomas. Eye opening experience. I have visited Alex Hailey’s memorial statue in Maryland . The actor who was Knute kinde recently hosted my favorite game show Jeopardy!! He was hosting lots of educational children’s program.
    I have seen a great Broadway show The mountain top based on last night of Martin Luther king . Samual L Jackson acted in it . Two actors show. It was frictional but fantastic and captivating. I went alone taking subway and ferry. None of my friends enjoy these. I have taken full advantage of being in NY. If possible want to enjoy few more years!!!
    Another Broadway was lady sings the blue based on famous controversial black singer Billi holiday.
    She sang the most famous and controversial song
    Strange fruit !! Written By a Jewish school teacher. Based on black lynching and brutal punishment by public hanging .
    The writer of the song lost his job. The singer also suffered and to my knowledge left this country for some time .
    Recently a new movie based on Billi holiday has released. LULU THOMAS

  13. AVM NAIR:
    GANDHI By Jaisonchacko the versatile personality reached in my home for permanent stay

  14. A very encouraging and happy news Jaison.
    At the outset accept my family’s congratulations.
    Needless to say, I will give the maximum possible support by buying and propagating it.
    Wish you all success.SHAMSUDHEEN

  15. RAJI:
    Jaison Sir...

  16. Fell like writing after I read each chapter. Good to know about James Bond theme song!!! Has watched almost all bond movies. In eighties and nineties every Thanksgiving weekend new bond movie get released. So it was a ritual to see that. We use to get together with another family and my friend valsala’s husband was a big fan . His email address also has 007!!!!

    Read chapter 19!!!
    Brought back memories of tuned to Tv in late seventies watching roots and crying with Thomas. Eye opening experience. I have visited Alex Hailey’s memorial statue in Maryland . The actor who was Knute kinde recently hosted my favorite game show Jeopardy!! He was hosting lots of educational children’s program.
    I have seen a great Broadway show The mountain top based on last night of Martin Luther king . Samual L Jackson acted in it . Two actors show. It was frictional but fantastic and captivating. I went alone taking subway and ferry. None of my friends enjoy these. I have taken full advantage of being in NY. If possible want to enjoy few more years!!!
    Another Broadway was lady sings the blue based on famous controversial black singer Billi holiday.
    She sang the most famous and controversial song
    Strange fruit !! Written By a Jewish school teacher. Based on black lynching and brutal punishment by public hanging .
    The writer of the song lost his job. The singer also suffered and to my knowledge left this country for some time .
    Recently a new movie based on Billi holiday has released.

    Still their are native Americans but their situation generally is bad some things are improving recently.
    Their children were forcefully taken from home and converted to Christianity and abused by priests never allowed to speak their language or practice their culture!!

    We use to celebrate Thanksgiving from the very first year we came here . It is the most important one with out religious differences.
    But unfortunately most of the people forget the story behind how it started mainly because treatment towards them in later years has been very cruel!!

    Your chapters bring back memories!!

    Chapter 32 !! Janissaries!!! I didn’t know anything. It is never too old to learn about things !! I never travel to Turkey. But pass by Istanbul airport on way to Africa.
    Timmy went there during his back packing days and told me About the place. Only Turkish person I knew close is my very nice dental lab technician whose first name was India !!!!

    Finished reading chapter 35 about Hiroshima. Bright back my visit . At the memorial museum they asked visitors also to volunteer to read the poetry’s survivor kids had written. I also volunteered to read . But had hard time controlling the emotions.

    Chapter #37 after couple of lines I have to skip. I miss him dearly. It also bring back my own sorrows!! Loss is more when you are retired and old !!

    Last time I saw him is in IJK Lal hospital you three siblings came to see Appa and I was there to nurse him.
    That picture is very vivid .

    I am not surprised about comfort woman .
    When we came here in 71 it was middle of Vietnam war . All the young American soldiers mostly poor and minority ended up recruited forcibly. They were satisfied with drugs and prostitution.

    Chapter 39!! I never was crazy about cars and had no interest. Thomas use to say , she may have same interest even if I get her a bullacart !!
    But enjoyed horse and bull story!!!LULU THOMAS

  17. I am indeed beholden to you for granting an opportunity to read more about the father of nation in special angles, scripted in your inimitable style. I salute your efforts in penning the marvel of a book which may have very little competition.GEORGE THOMAS

  18. Really love all your vignettes. Great book!

    I am surprised you use the word 'Jap' very often. In the USA it is looked down upon. Japanese is preferred. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    In one of the articles- chapter33- written about wooden boats I believe coir is used as caulking between seams and they possibly used wood dowels to fasten the planks.ROBERT MATTSON, author of 'THAT REMINDS ME-Shipyard and other tugboat stories'

  19. BR MENON:
    I more or less finished your book; read the chapters that interested me with greater attention ,& others I browsed throgh- just to know the content.
    It is indeed exciting to read your book Jaison. For one, the deapth of deep reserch you have done, to get to the result which you aspired for, is indeed very commandable.Secondly, the assorted varieties of topics that you have chosen to reserch on ,each so different from the other, is also a very unique attempt. But again , that by itself is a drag on the contiious flow of reading.The reader should have a firm concentration that these are abrupt topics of your interest written at different periods in your life over a period of two decades or more -- which have been strung now together - to create a book.;It is not a normal flowing book/ story writing but unique in its approach. This I think is the Plus & Minus of your book.My view.!!
    But on whole, the book is an excllent read- unique -- that it came from a corporate CEO is the most admiring. aspect !!
    You do have a flair for writing Jaison. Pl keep it up.
    I find there are factual errors, here & there in the book. Also english sentences have construction errors. All that we will discuss when we meet over a drink in the none - too -- distant future.
    Once again thank you for giving me the pleasure of reading your literary creation, Jaison.
    Stay safe .

  20. Mr Jaison Chacko

    To the best CEO and dear friend to my father and the family.

    Gandhi? Who’s that?

    An interesting journey through history to present with beautiful and tremendous literature plus vast knowledge in all aspects of life.
    Marvelous book to read enjoying every word of it till the end .
    Best wishes
    Sheikha Alkaabi

    1. Nice of you to have come from your heart Sheikha .. Thank you very much. In fact world as seen by me while I was with Al Balagh qualified me to write such a book … meeting new people, new situations, new cultures, new friendships, new business opportunities…. Which I treasure very much. Thank you very much. πŸ™



Writing about the end of own life, that too after knowing that it could happen any time is hard to write for anyone. I am not an exception. ...